
border radius in css

what does it mean

May 14, 2020 • 3 minute read

If you’ve ever rounded the corners of a button, you know how to use border-radius. You’ve probably set border radius to 5px to get a nice soft curve, or set it to 50% on a square button to get a circle. But what does that value mean? How does 5px or 50% translate into the amount of curve set on the corner? I never payed much attention to this. When using border radius, I usually find a pixel value that looked nice.


welcome to my blog

i made this thing

March 24, 2020 • 1 minute read

I decided to start occasionally blogging! Ever since I’ve discovered the JAMstack, I’ve been meaning to spin up a personal portfolio site and blog. Since I’m stuck inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to capitalize my time and actually get something started! I am primarily a front-end web developer, so you’ll see me write about that most of the time. I’m hoping that if I start writing about interesting things I find, I can use my blog as a reference when I need to remember something.